Part II: Journeys (Chapter 19)
It’s dark and cold here.
Where’s Nana? She’s got to be
somewhere here, don’t she?
I walked home from school ALL
I’m five years old, a BIG girl.
I crossed West 7th Street and
Otoe, too.
Well, the crossing guard
stopped the cars, but I wasn’t afraid, so there.
I want some cookies.
Where are you, Nana?
My turn to be princess today.
I got to wear the princess
Ronnie O’Hara got to wear the
cowboy costume.
He’s mean.
Kept shooting me with his gun.
Bang! Bang!
He said I’d be dead if I didn’t
leave him alone.
I didn’t do nothin’ to him. I
just wanted to play house.
Miss Pritchard wouldn’t let me
out to play, ‘cuz she said the dress might get dirty.
Said I had to sit at my desk
and fold my hands like a good girl.
I couldn’t even color.
But Ronnie got to go out.
I told Miss Pritchard I
wanted to wear the cowboy suit tomorrow.
She said girls don’t wear
cowboy suits.

I don’t want to be the princess
no more.
So I takes that stupid ‘ole
dress off.
I throws it away, and puts my
own clothes back on.
Then I goes outside.
“Where’s that pretty dress?”
Miss Pritchard asked.
“I threw it away! It’s ugly!”
She made me go back inside and
hang it up.
Then I had to stand in the
corner ALL DAY.
Nana??? Nana??? Nana???
I hate kindergarten. I don’t
never wanna go back.
Nana? Where are you? NANA!
“What’s the matter, Samantha?”
Nana whispers. “I’m right here.”
“Please don’t go away!”
“We’re going to California
“Your mama wants you.”
“You’re my mama.”
“No, honey. I’m your Nana. Your
mama lives in California with your new daddy.”
“You’re my mama.”
“You’re going to live with her
and your new daddy.”
“Pappa’s my daddy.”
“Your new daddy is Dean
“Pappa’s my daddy.”
“And your mama’s going to have
a baby. You’re going to have a baby brother or sister.”
“You’re my mama.”
“You don’t have to go back to
“Where’s California?”