Part IV: Spin (Chapter 66)

Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city.

– George Burns


Some girls try it ‘n go on a diet

Then they worry ‘cause they’s too fat

Who wants t’ride on an ironin’ board?

That ain’t no fun...I tried me one

–Frank Zappa, “Sex”   

 (Full Lyrics of “Sex”)

(MUSIC. Lights come up and illuminate an empty stage, with a scrim as a backdrop. As Allan Sherman’s “Grow, Mrs. Goldfarb” plays, GOODSAM, with a large carrot in her hand, enters stage right, and BADSAM, with a bag of Cheetos in her hand, enters stage left. They dash to center stage where they do a synchronized dance routine during which GOODSAM chews on her carrot and BADSAM rips open the bag of Cheetos and stuffs handfuls in her mouth).

Full Lyrics of “Grow, Mrs. Goldfarb

Grow, Mrs. Goldfarb, fatter, fatter

(As the song progresses, the face of a smiling SHELDON appears on the scrim.)

I got a letter from the state, Dear.

(As the music fades, SHELDON’s face disappears from the scrim. GOODSAM and BADSAM stop their dance and begin doing some exercises: Jumping Jacks, stretching, running in place, etc.)

Goodsam: (Stops her activity. Obviously worn out. She wipes her brow and continues chewing on her carrot.) Whew! This split business is a lot of work. I can’t wait until we’re back together...

Badsam: (Stops her exercise and drops the bag of Cheetos. Obviously distressed.) Back together? Says who?

Goodsam: It’s inevitable. You know that.

Badsam: But...

Goodsam: No “buts” about it. You know we can’t sustain this split...

Badsam: Huh???

Goodsam: Alone, we are one dimensional...

Badsam: Two dimensional...

Goodsam: Same thing. The point is, alone we are caricatures, unreal. I am good, you are bad, no middle ground.

Badsam: Who needs middle ground?

Goodsam: All living things.

Badsam: Says who?

Goodsam: The Law of Nature demands balance.

Badsam: I like my thinness. Together we are FAT.

Goodsam: It’s our fate; we were born to carry extra weight.

Badsam: It all started with Father Dan...

Goodsam: Except he wasn’t Father Dan back then. He was just DANNY.

Badsam: ...And a big bag of Cheetos.

Goodsam: Cheetos? I don’t remember anything about Cheetos. (Kicks the opened bag across the stage. Cheetos fly all over the place.) You got Cheetos on the brain.

Badsam: Devil’s food.

Goodsam: (Taking a bite from the carrot.) I prefer Angel’s food.

Badsam: I can remember a time when we ate nothing but Cheetos...

Goodsam: (Grimacing.) UGH! I don’t remember that!

Badsam: That’s because you never remember anything fun. Allow me to jog your memory...

(Lights go down. Darkness. Music: “Too Fat Polka [She’s Too Fat for Me], lyrics by MacClean-Richardson,” as sung by Arthur Godfrey, orchestra directed by Archie Bleyer.

A boyish voice, slightly out of tune, sings along. Lyrics [Refrain]):

Full Lyrics to Too Fat Polka 

Oh, I don’t want her, you can have her

She’s too fat for me

She’s too fat for me

She’s too fat for me

Oh, I don’t want her, you can have her,

She’s too fat

She’s too fat

She’s too fat for me...

(As music fades, lights come up. On center stage sit two children, DANNY, a skinny redheaded boy with a buzz haircut, and SAMMY, a chunky girl with long red hair. DANNY, shirtless and barefoot, wears baggy denim shorts that droop on his hips. SAMMY, fully dressed, wears white shorts, a sleeveless Prussian Blue crop top, and sandals. The two kids sit lotus style, with an almost empty Coke bottle and an unopened bag of Cheetos in front of them.)

Danny: (Continuing his version of the song.) Sam the Ham’s too fat for me...

Sammy: (Jumping up.) YOU STOP THAT!

Danny: (Giggling like Precious Pup.) Hee, Hee.

Sammy: I HATE YOU.

Danny: You’re just a big fat baby!

Sammy: I am NOT!

Danny: You are too!

Sammy: Am NOT!

Danny: Are too!

Sammy: Am NOT!

Danny: Are too!

(This dialogue continues, but as the children lose interest, the lines become less and less strident and softer until they fizzle into nothingness. Then DANNY jumps up and begins hopping around the stage. SAMMY remains sitting.)

Danny: I got an idea. Let’s play a game. (He picks up the bottle and finishes off the Coke). Let’s play Spin the Bottle!

Sammy: (Pinches her nose with her thumb and finger.) UGH! I’d rather kiss a pig!

Danny: (Laughing.) That’s because you ARE a pig!

Sammy: Am not! What do you know, anyway?

Danny: I know a lot. I know how to play Spin the Bottle without kissing at all.

Sammy: (Petulant.) We can’t play it without kissing.

Danny: Oh, yes, we can. We don’t have to kiss no one. (Begins singing another stanza from “Too Fat Polka [She’s Too Fat For Me]”:)

She’s a twosome,

She’s a foursome

If she’d lose some

I would like her more some...

Danny: (Adds his own line to the stanza:) But I don’t want to kiss her.

Sammy: (Mimicking:) And I don’t want to kiss him.

Danny: Well, good. So instead of kisses, let’s play for Cheetos. The winner gets to eat ONE Cheeto. We play until they’re all gone.

Sammy: (Reluctantly.) I dunno.

Danny: You like Cheetos, don’t you?

Sammy: Well, yeah...

Danny: So, what’s the big deal?

Sammy: (Pulls the Cheeto bag toward her and picks it up. Stands up and walks toward the AUDIENCE. The spotlight narrows and focuses squarely on her. She pulls the bag against her chest and hugs it close to her heart. She addresses the AUDIENCE directly:) I know gluttony’s a Mortal Sin, but I wish I could eat all the Cheetos in the world and still not get fat.

(Lights fade. Darkness. Music: another stanza from “Too Fat Polka [She’s Too Fat for Me]” Lyrics/fifth stanza:)

Can she prance up a hill?

No, no, no, no, no

Can she dance a quadrille?

No, no, no, no, no

Does she fit in your coupe?

By herself she’s a group

Could she possibly

Sit upon your knee?

No, no, no...

(Music fades.)

Sammy: (Speaking from the darkness:) Okay, I’ll play.

(Spotlight comes up on the two children. They are in the middle of a spin, which SAMMY wins. She shouts with glee and pops a Cheeto into her mouth. Loud munching can be heard. As she munches the Cheeto, she grows visibly larger. This scene – with SAMMY always being the winner – repeats over and over; each time SAMMY eats a Cheeto, she grows larger. By the time the bag has been emptied, SAMMY is enormous, bursting out of her clothes until she is totally naked. She attempts to cover herself with her hands, but she can barely move her puffed-out arms. DANNY romps around the stage, yelling, “Ha, ha, ha, I gotcha,” over and over. Lights go down. Music: last stanza of “Too Fat Polka [She’s Too Fat For Me],” Lyrics (refrain/last stanza:)

Oh, I don’t want her, you can have her

She’s too fat for me

She’s too fat for me

She’s too fat for me

Oh, I don’t want her, you can have her,

She’s too fat

She’s too fat

She’s too fat for me

Sammy: HEY!

(Music ends. Lights go down. Darkness. A pause of several seconds. Music: one stanza of “Colonel Sanders Thighs,” a parody of “Bette Davis Eyes,” sung by Rotunda, Lyrics/first stanza:)

Her eyes are Big Mac brown

Her hair’s like golden fries

She’s blown up like the clown

She’s got Colonel Sanders thighs

She’ll turn her Twinkies [Cheetos] on you

You won’t want to look twice

Her buns are Mrs. Beard’s

She’s got Colonel Sanders thighs...

(Lights come up to reveal GOODSAM sitting demurely center stage and still gnawing on her carrot and BADSAM running all over the stage, picking up Cheetos from the floor and popping them into her mouth. A loud crunch echoes throughout the theater.)

Badsam: (Pauses and moves down center stage, no longer picking up Cheetos. She stops eating. The crunching stops. Addresses the AUDIENCE:) And therein wags our tale of woe.

Goodsam: (Confused.) I don’t remember that incident at all.

Badsam: You don’t remember a lot of things.

Goodsam: But I would’ve remembered THIS story. It’s too vivid, too stark, too close to the bone.

(BADSAM shrugs and turns away from GOODSAM and the AUDIENCE.)

Goodsam: It just doesn’t rattle my memory...

Badsam: (Turns toward GOODSAM and the AUDIENCE. In a cryptic tone:) It could’ve been true. (In a stage whisper, to the AUDIENCE:) In the future, this will be called “fake news.”

Goodsam: But it wasn’t true, was it?

Badsam: (Shrugs.) The essence is true.

Goodsam: (A deep sigh of relief.) So. I’m not crazy.

(BADSAM resumes picking up and eating Cheetos from the floor.)

Goodsam: How can you eat those dirty old things?

Badsam: Ha! I’d rather sweep up Cheetos from the gutter than pull boring ole’ carrots from the garden.

Goodsam: (Points directly at BADSAM.) SHE’S why Samantha’s fat. I try to show Sam the proper way, but, no, SHE’S always dangling some sinful refined concoction in front of her.

Badsam: (Points directly at GOODSAM.) Samantha’s fat because SHE doesn’t want Sam to have any fun; SHE would have Sam sitting around, eating alfalfa sprouts and drinking rarified water and thin, tasteless consommé. No wonder Sam’s obsessed with food.

Goodsam: (Indignant.) SOMEONE has to put the brakes on that monstrous appetite. (To BADSAM:) You think I LIKE being the HEAVY?

(Booing comes from the direction of the AUDIENCE.)

Goodsam: (Walks to the edge of center stage and points directly at the AUDIENCE. (Yelling in an angry voice:) WHO ASKED YOU?

(Lights gradually fade. Music: Last stanza of Allan Sherman’s “Grow Mrs. Goldfarb,” Lyrics/last stanza:)

Eat, Mrs. Goldfarb, daily, nightly.

Eat, though your chair is bending slightly.

Love of my life, I’m glad I found you,

Each day I take a walk around you...

(Again, SHELDON’s smiling face appears on the scrim.)

I can’t forget when we got married.

Over the threshold I got carried.

No other bride would be so sweet.

Eat, Mrs. Goldfarb, eat!

(After song ends, SHELDON’s face disappears. Light fades. Darkness.)


Copyright Notice

Unless otherwise specified, all works posted on The Fat Lady Sings are © 1991 - present, by Jennifer Semple Siegel, the author, webmaster, and owner of TheFatLadySings.comMost of the art artwork has been AI generated specifically for The Fat Lady Sings. Occasionally, combinations (layering) of two or more AI generations have been created for special effects. The prompts used for AI are generic and avoid referring to specific artists, dead or alive. Her works may not be reprinted or reposted without her express permission.

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